Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Potter Girl

The Potter Girl

Once there was a girl who was called the potter girl just because she had a gift with sculpting clay. But in actual fact, she never made pots or vases. but to call her a sculptor or an artist would be an insult to men... only men apparently.

Instead she preferred sculpting plants and animals. And what set her apart from other sculptors (men) was that she had the gift of giving life into her work. Her plants could grow. Her animals could move and run and hunt and feed and kill. Some people call her a witch; others, the devil's child.

She never cared.

One day, she got bored of her clay flora and fauna.

She said to herself, I'm sure I can do better than this! I know. I shall make a clay baby.

And a clay infant she did make. Before it was even done, it started crying! And she did not even bother deciding its gender. She threw it aside.

I can do better. I shall make a man!

She started sculpting. The crying stopped after a yelp and a growl. Her clay lion seemed to be pleased, licking its lips. The sexless baby was nowhere to be seen...

Her clay man was beautiful and well... huge.

Make love to me, he said as his pudenda slowly rose.

Disgusted she turned to her work table and decide once again, she could make a more perfect creature.

The clay man start satisfying himself a stroke at a time.

She took longer with the next sculpture. She made an angel.

It stood tall and silent. Unmoving. Merely glaring at her.

Talk! She yelled in annoyance.


Frustrated yet again, she decided to sculpt another level of perfection.

She took seven days. Finally she was done. She made God. God's hair was long and silken. God's skin was white as it was made of the whitest clay. Every curve of God's flesh were defined. Even the breasts. Yes. Breasts.

The girl smiled at God. And her clay replica smiled back. Finally. Perfection. She had created God in her own image....